January 26, 2015

Workout Log for 1-19-2015 to 1-24-2015

wall extensions 10
shoulder dislocates 10
cat-camels 10
full-body circles 10
leg swings
wrist mobility 30s
plank 60s
side plank 30s
reverse plank 30s
hollow body hold 40s
superman hold 40s
wall handstand 50s 60s 40s
dip support hold 40s 50s
close pullups 8 6 6
dips 12 10 9
half pistol 5 5 5
l-sit 30s 30s 30s
close pushups 12 10
tucked-body rows 5 5

wall extensions 10
shoulder dislocates 10
cat-camels 10
full-body circles 10
leg swings
wrist mobility 30s
plank 60s
side plank 30s
reverse plank 30s
hollow body hold 60s
superman hold 50s
wall handstand 60s 60s 40s
dip support hold 50s 50s
close pullups 8 6 6
dips 12 12 10
half pistol 5 5 5
l-sit 30s 30s 30s
close pushups 12 12
tucked-body rows 5 5

chin-up 10 8
dip 16 12
close squat 30 30
one-leg glute bridge 15 12

Weight (today): 183 lb

Notes: Carbed up Friday/Saturday, so I'm a little bloated today.  Logged all my warmup and body-line work as I frankly hadn't been and I think warming up is becoming more critical for me.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 10:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 195 words, total size 2 kb.

January 14, 2015



Still no workouts this year, lots of shoveling and water-hauling for the horses.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 10:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 17 words, total size 1 kb.

January 02, 2015

Workout Log for 12-8-2014 to 12-13-2014

Wow, been a while, huh?  I traveled, I holidayed, and I haven't seriously exercised since the 13th of December, but here are the last 3 workouts of 2014:

Monday (12-8-2014)
high knees 40
bridge 8, 8
close pullup 10, 8, 6
close pushup 20, 16
crow stand 60s, 45s
L-sit 20s, 20s, 30s, 30s

Tuesday (12-9-2014)

chin-ups 10, 10, 8
dips 14, 12
L-sit 30s, 30s

Saturday (12-13-2014)
hindu squats 30, 30
bridges 5, 5, 5
close pullup 10, 8, 6
close pushup 20, 18
L-sit 60s, 40s

Weight (today): 182 lb

Notes: Need to write a "2015 Goals" post soon.  And, like, exercise today.  Even with all the time off, my left shoulder has started to get tight again, possibly from disuse or maybe from my work environment.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 04:05 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 135 words, total size 1 kb.

December 08, 2014

Workout Log for 11-24-2014 to 12-2-2014

Monday (11-24-2014)
high knees 30
close pullup 12, 8, 8
chin-up 8, 7
close pushup 20, 18, 16
pushup 24
inverted shrug 10, 10

Wednesday (11-26-2014)
high knees 50
close squat 50, 40, 30
one-leg deadlift 20, 20
lying leg lift and pulse 20, 20
glute bridge 30, 30

Monday (12-1-2014)
high knees 40
close pullup 12, 8, 7
pullup 5, 4
chin-up 6, 5, 6
close pushup 20, 15, 20
pushup 20, 20, 20

Tuesday (12-2-2014)
high knees 50
close squat 50, 50, 30
one-leg deadlift 25, 25
one-leg glute bridge 15, 16
L-sit 30s, 30s

Weight (today): 181 lb

Notes: Getting pretty bad about consistent workouts lately.  I enter the week strong, then get too busy.  Not good.  Weight's been up a lot lately too, I was 184 after Thanksgiving.  Not good either.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 05:36 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 141 words, total size 1 kb.

November 22, 2014

Workout Log for 11-10-2014 to 11-22-2014

Monday (11-10-2014)
high knees 40
head bridges 20, 20
assisted one-leg squats 12, 12
hanging leg raise 12, 12
dip-station leg raise
one-leg deadlift 20, 20
close squat 30

Tuesday (11-11-2014)

close pullups 12, 8, 6
chin-ups 8
close pushups 20, 16
pushups 30
crow stand 60s, 60s
L-sit hang 30s
pullups 8
dips 16

Friday (11-21-2014)

pullups 10, 10, 10, 10
pushups 30, 30, 30, 30
chin-ups 10, 10, 8
dips 18, 16, 12

Saturday (11-22-2014)

high knees 40
bridges 5, 6, 6
close squat 50, 50
one-leg deadlift 20, 20
hanging leg raise 10, 10, 10
bootstrappers 20, 20
crow stand 30s, 30s
plank 67s
L-sit hang 30s, 30s

Weight (Today): 184 lb

Notes: Carbed-up yesterday after about 14 days VLC and most of a 10-day rest (did some yard work last Saturday for a couple of hours).  I think I'm done with carbs for, like, a while.  Maybe until Summer.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 01:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 159 words, total size 1 kb.

November 13, 2014

Workout Log for 10-20-2014 to 11-8-2014

Monday (10-20-2014)
head bridges 3x18
crow stands 60s, 60s, 57s

high knees 30
assisted one-leg squats 2x12
one-leg deadlift 2x20

close pullups 11, 10
chin-ups 8
close pushups 16, 16
pushups 24

Tuesday (11-4-2014)
high knees 35
head bridges 20, 20
assisted one-leg suats 2x10
hanging straight-leg raise 16, 12
one-leg deadlift 2x20

close pullups 12, 9, 6
chin-ups 9
close pushups 20, 16
pushups 20

pullups 10, 8, 6, 6
pushups 30, 30
crow stands 60s, 60s

Weight (Today): 183 lb

Notes: Way behind on logging.  Weight's up, but my waist is the same.  Probably just bloat.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 02:51 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 108 words, total size 1 kb.

October 20, 2014

Workout Log for 10-13-2014 to 10-18-2014

Monday (10-13-2014)
close pullups 12, 7, 6
chin-ups 6
close pushups 20, 12
pushups 22
crow stand 2x60s

high knees 30
head bridges 18, 20
assisted one-leg suats 2x10
close squat 35
hanging straight-leg raise 16, 10, 10
one-leg deadlift 2x20

high knees 30
pullups 12, 8, 6
pushups 30, 20
close squat 40
one-leg deadlift 25
plank 120s

Weight (Sunday): 178 lb

Notes: Good week, making progress on bridges and crow stands.  Need to clear wall space at home for handstand practice.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 09:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 91 words, total size 1 kb.

October 15, 2014

Workout Log for 10-6-2014 to 10-10-2014

Monday (10-6-2014)
close pullups 12, 7, 5
chin-ups 6
close pushups 18, 12
pushups 25
crow stand 50s, 60s, 30s

high knees 25
head bridges 12, 15
assisted one-legged squat 10, 10
toes-to-bar 14, 10
one-legged deadlift 15, 15

close pullups 11, 8, 5
chin-ups 5
close pushups 16, 15
pushups 26
crow stand 40s, 40s, 30s

high knees 35
head bridges 16, 16
assisted one-legged squat 10, 6
close squat 30
hanging straight-leg raise 20, 12
one-legged deadlift 16, 16

Weight (yesterday): 180 lb

Notes: Heavy yard work on Saturday trimming and cutting down trees, so I'm only doing 3 days this week.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 07:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 113 words, total size 1 kb.

October 06, 2014

Workout Log for 9-29-2014 to 10-3-2014

Did one calisthenic workout last week at the hotel, but it was mostly a rest week.

Weight (today):
179 lb

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 04:53 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 26 words, total size 1 kb.

September 28, 2014

Workout Log for 9-22-2014 to 9-25-2014

Monday (9-22-2014)
close pullups 10, 8
chin-ups 8, 8, 6
assisted one-legged squat 2x8
close squat 2x30
one-legged glute bridge

close pushups 2x16
pushups 2x25
hanging straight-leg raise 2x12
high knees 2x25
plank 2x95s

sawed branches hanging over fences for 2 hours

head bridge 2x12
crow stand 60s, 35s, 60s
side bridge 2x30s

hauled logs and swapped fence posts for 3 hours

Weight (Sunday):
179 lb

Notes: Yard work kicked my butt this week.  Still eating low-carb almost exclusively, but not at ketotic levels of protein.  Going to try being closer to 84g P, 210g F, 20g C this week, but I'm on travel, so those macros will be a target at best.  Week after, that's the plan.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 10:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 128 words, total size 1 kb.

September 22, 2014

Workout Log for 9-15-2014 to 9-20-2014

Monday (9-15-2014)
close pullups 10, 9, 6, 6
close pushups 18 16
plank 2x90s

toes-to-bar 12, 11
assisted one-leg squat 8, 8, 6
one-leg Romanian deadlift 60# 3x6
one-legged calf-raise 60# 2x20
goblet squat 60# 10

head bridge 2x12
close pullups 11, 9, 7, 7, 6, 5, 5
close pushups 15, 15, 10
assisted one-leg squat 8, 8, 8
one-leg Romanian deadlift 60# 3x8
plank 2x90s
crow stand 30s, 45s, 30s, 15s

Weight (today): 180 lb

Notes: My left shoulder still has a couple of small pain spots in the ROM, but much better than a couple of months ago, to the point where I don't think about/notice it every day anymore.  Not sure if/when I'll be able to go back to barbell training.  I'm sure I've lost at least some strength on those lifts.  Considering doing a deadlift session once a week or so starting in a couple of weeks.  There's basically no bodyweight/calisthenic equivalent there other than bridging, and it doesn't involve the shoulder in a forward or overhead press, so that's the natural thing to add back in first.  If the real problem is in my bicep attachment tendon, though, the deadlift is still a risk, so I'll have to be careful.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 07:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 213 words, total size 2 kb.

September 15, 2014

Workout Log for 9-3-2014 to 9-12-2014

Wednesday (9-3-2014)
head bridge 2x10
pullups 10, 8, 6, 4
close pushups 16, 10, 6
toes-to-bar 2x10
crow stand 3x30s
assisted one-legged squat 5, 3, 3
one-legged glute bridge 2x15

Friday (9-5-2014)

head bridge 2x10
chin-ups 2x10, 2x6
spiderman pushups 8, 8, 6
crow stand 35s, 18s, 30s
close squat 2x30
glute kickbacks 2x20

Wednesday (9-10-2014)

head bridge 2x12
close pullups 2x8, 2x6
close pushups 2x16
toes-to-bar 2x10
assisted one-legged squat 3x5
one-legged glut bridge 2x15
crow stand 30s, 60s, 30s

Friday (9-12-2014)
head bridge 2x12
close pullups 2x8, 2x6
close pushups 17, 16
plank 2x60s
assisted one-legged squat 3x6
one-legged glut bridge 2x16
crow stand 30s, 40s, 35s, 40s

Weight (today): 179 lb

Catching up on the logging today.  Weekends have been filled with a lot of yard cleanup after the storms a couple of weeks ago, so it's only been 2x a week on the workouts.  I may try a split this week and go for 6 short workouts rather than 2 long ones.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 10:01 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 173 words, total size 2 kb.

September 03, 2014

Workout Log for 8-25-2014 to 8-29-2014

Monday (8-25-2014)
Circuit (x4)

8 pullups
16 pushups
15 uneven squats
30 glute bridges
plank 2x60s
crow stand 45s, 30s

head bridge 2x10
chin-ups 2x10
pushups 25, 20
twisting hanging knee raise 2x8
close squat 2x30
one-legged calf raise 2x30
little piggies 2x30

Weight (today): 181 lb

Notes: Not really making progress, not sure if I'm making regress.  Weight's not budging in either direction even though I'm barely eating.  Probably too much alcohol or I'm eating more than I think I am, or maybe actually eating too little.  I've been having 1 meal a day most days, and that might be slowing things down.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 12:13 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 111 words, total size 1 kb.

August 26, 2014

Late August update

I haven't been as rigorous about logging workouts lately, which is bad.  I'm still working out a schedule/progression for calisthenics.

For now, I'm just going to log my body weight and try to write a better log of this week's activities for next week.

Weight (today): 181 lb

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 11:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 51 words, total size 1 kb.

August 11, 2014

Workout Log for 8-3-2014 to 8-9-2014

Tuesday (8-5-2014)
elliptical 3 min
pull-up 10, 9, 2x5
close push-up 2x15, 2x8
hanging straight leg raise 2x15
side step-up 2x10
head bridge 2x10
crow stand 2x60s

Thursday (8-7-2014)
elliptical 3 min
pull-up 2x10, 2x6
close push-up 2x16, 2x9
hanging straight leg raise 2x15
side step-up 2x10
close squat 2x30
head bridge 2x10
crow stand 2x60s

Weight (today): 182 lb

Notes: Lots of yard work on Saturday.  Shoulder is not 100%, but still feels better now than a week ago.  No weight loss week over week, but I'd been VLC for 14 days and did a carb refeed yesterday, so I'm up 2 lb over yesterday morning.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 10:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 113 words, total size 1 kb.

August 04, 2014

Workout Log for 7-21-2014 to 8-2-2014

rowing 4 min , 487 meters
pull-up 10, 8, 6
pushup 25, 15, 10
hanging bent-leg raise 2x15
close squat 2x25
head bridge 2x6
crow stand 2x20s
wall handstand 60s, 25s, 60s

elliptical 3 min
pull-up 1,2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,1
push-up 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
dragon flag 2x15
close squat 2x30
angled bridge 2x10
crow stand 2x30s
wall handstand 2x60s

elliptical 3 min
pull-up 2x9
close push-up 2x10
hanging straight leg raise 2x10
side step-up 2x8
head bridge 2x8
crow stand 2x45s

burpee 4x10
uneven squat (hand on ledge) 2x4

elliptical 3 min
pull-up 2x9
close push-up 2x15
hanging straight leg raise 2x12
side step-up 2x10
head bridge 2x9
crow stand 2x60s
plank 2x60s
treadmill 20 minutes, 15% incline, ahr 148 bpm

Weight (today): 182 lb

Notes: Left shoulder is slowly improving.  Bridging continues to be a weak point.  Trying to be very careful with pressing movements.  Diet has been awful lately, going to tighten that up now.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 10:09 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 163 words, total size 2 kb.

July 21, 2014

Workout Log for 7-14-2014 to 7-20-2014

Tuesday (7-15-2014)
rowing 3 minutes, 500 meters
push-up 20, 20, 15
hanging knee raise 15, 15, 10
squat 30, 30, 30
pull-up 8, 6, 6

rowing 5 minutes, 750 meters
pull-up 2x9
push-up 2x20
hanging bent-leg raise 2x15
close squat 2x20
head bridge 2x5
crow stand 10s, 13s, 15s
wall handstand 2x50s

Weight (today): 182 lb

Notes: Left shoulder still sore, but better range of motion than I had.  Going to work my way through the Convict Conditioning progressions as best I'm able and hope that makes the difference in my joint strength.

Posted by: leoncaruthers at 01:16 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 100 words, total size 1 kb.

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